Trid tara’ clips qosra fuq l-ispiritwalita’ Tereżjana? Santa Tereżina? Santa Tereża? Madonna tal-Karmnu? Ir-regola tagħna.
A picture is worth a thousand words.
Saint Teresa of
Jesus is one of the most wonderful saints ever.
Here are some
representations of the Saint.
St. John of the Cross is a spiritual master and Doctor of the Church. His image of the Dark Night has captivated the imaginations of Christians throughout the centuries. He shows us that darkness and suffering, when endured with love, has meaning and will transform us into saints. In this episode, Fr. Michael Joseph of St. Thérèse is joined by Br. John-Mary of Jesus Crucified to discuss St. John’s...
“A fine quotation is a diamond in the hand of a man of wit and a pebble in the hand of a fool.”
(Abbé Joseph Roux (1834-1905) - a French Catholic parish priest, poet, and philologist)
Xi ħadd
qabbel il-ħajja tagħna ma’ palk ta’ teatru. Jum minnhom nitilgħu fuq dan
il-palk, nagħmlu l-parti tagħna u meta nispiccaw, ninżlu minn fuq il-palk. Għal
ftit taż-żmien jibqgħu jiftakruna. Imbagħad anke l-memorja tagħna tgħib.
qed inġibu xi dati bijografici ta’ patrijiet li fi żmienhom għamlu ħafna ġid. Illum
qed jgħixu ma’ Alla...
On his recent visit to Madagascar, Pope Francis - the
world second largest island country, off the coast of East Africa - on Saturday
September 7th, during midday prayer, in the monastery of our Sisters in Antananarivo, he gave a
spontaneous speech to the Sisters which is a REAL GEM.
“You will be given
a copy of the text I prepared, so that you can read and ponder it quietly. But
We call her ‘Our
Holy Mother’ ... and we love her immensely.
Here are a few
representations of this great woman.
HER FEAST IS ON TUESDAY OCTOBER 15TH. Join us at Santa Tereża Bormla at 6.30pm
A picture is
worth a thousand words.
Saint Teresa of
Jesus is one of the most wonderful saints ever.
Here are some
representations of the Saint.
2019 Feast Programme for Saint Teresa of Jesus (Malta)