It has become a custom for our general superiors to meet with their counterparts of the Calced Carmelites in Rome. This year the meeting was held at the General Curia of the Calced Carmelites, near the Vatican. In a cordial atmosphere our superiors exchanged information on topics of common interest. One item that did stick out was the preparation of the international meeting of the young Carmelites,...
Provincjal Patri Juan Debono
“O Tlieta tiegħi, il-Kollox tiegħi, l-Hena tiegħi, Solitudni infinita, Immensita’ li fiha jien nintilef: jien bħal priża nintelaq fikom” (Talba Trinitarja S. Eliżabetta). Din kienet il-konklużjoni li wasslet għliha l-Qaddisa Franċiza Elisabetta tat-Trinita’. Effettivament QATT u fl-EBDA ĊIRĊOSTANZA, ma wieħed jista’ jimxi ‘l quddiem fil-ħajja...
Our Father General Father Saverio Cannistra visited the whole Iberian region during the month of April and May. The Discalced Carmelites know their origins to two Spanish Saints - Saint Teresa of Jesus and Saint John of the Cross. They have a very strong numerical presence in Spain and they run most of the places related to our founders.
After a one week course of permanent formation in Madrid given...
The Third Foundation of Saint Teresa
“On Palm Sunday, [the 11th of April] in the year 1568, with the people of the town, we went in procession to the church, in our white mantles and with veils covering our faces. A sermon was preached there, and from that church the Blessed Sacrament was brought to our monastery. This inspired great devotion in everybody.”
In this manner, in chapter 9, paragraph...
The novitiate of the Discalced Carmelite Fathers in Cospicua has opened its doors again.
In June, Mr. Emmanuel Aquilina from Iklin will join the Discalced Carmelites. A married man with two daughters, Mr. Aquilina was widowed just a few months ago. His wife Katie passed away in February of this year.
Mr. Aquilina is very familiar with the Carmelites, being the president of the Secular Order...
Everything you want to know on Saint Therese
If you love Saint Therese, you will love this webpage. Click and enjoy…
“She Is No Fool Who Gives What she Cannot Keep, To Gain That Which she Cannot Lose” Mhiex belha dik li tati dak li ma tistax iżżomm, biex tikseb dak li ma tistax titlef” (Edith Stein). Meta qrajt dan il-kliem mnaqqax fuq il-ħajt tal-entrata tal-monasteru tas-Sorijiet Tereżjani ġewwa Morristown New Jersey mill-ewwel indunajt li dan hu s-sigriet għaref tal-ħajja klawstrali. Nisa li huma...
Her name is Sister Maria Felicia. Her smile is captivating. Obviously she has found the secret of happiness. She died a Carmelite cloistered nun at the age of 34; the good die young. On June 23 she will be beatified at the Estadio General Pablo Rojas in her native land – Paraguay. She sill be the first ever Paraguayan to be beatified.
Maria Felicia Guggiari Echeverria was born on January 12th...
Do not be afraid of holiness, Pope Francis just told us in his latest Exhortation.
Carmel is a fertile land for anyone to become a saint!
Here is the brief synopsis of five Discalced Carmelite friars who were brutally murdered in Spain after serving time in the USA
Martyrdom of Fr. Lucas Fr. Lucas of St Joseph Pujol was born Dec. 14, 1872 in Spain and worked as a Discalced Carmelite...