Patri Juan Debono ikompli fil-missjoni tiegħu li jxerred il-messaġġ evanġeliku ta’ Santa Eliżabetta tat-Trinita, soru Tereżjana li saħħret il-qlub ta’ tant nies. Wara li ppublika t-teżi dottorali tiegħu għand l-edizzjoni tal-Vatikan, issa ħareġ it-tieni edizzjoni bit-Taljan, taħt it-titlu ta’ Il PERCHE’ DELLA SOFFERENZA.
Huwa ktieb imprezzabli għaliex fih juri kif din il-qaddisa...
28 novembre 2018 Si compiono oggi 450 anni dall’inizio della prima comunità di carmelitani scalzi a Duruelo. La fondazione, come sappiamo, durò assai poco e può essere considerata un primo tentativo di impostare una vita carmelitano-teresiana al maschile, ancora bisognoso di molte correzioni e aggiustamenti. In questo senso, non si possono mettere sullo stesso piano la fondazione del monastero...
San Ġwann tas-Salib għex fi żminijiet imqallba u diffiċli fl-istorja tal-Knisja. Kultant aħna nħarsu lejn dak li qed jiġri fi żmienna u nimmaġinaw li hu l-iktar żmien iebes u mħawwad, imma naħseb min għandu sens ta’ storja mhux bilfors jasal għall-istess konklużjoni.
San Ġwann tas-Salib kien poeta, artista, teologu, direttur spiritwali, u ta kontribut speċjali f’dawn iż-żminijiet...
On Nov. 28, 1568, St. Teresa of Ávila and St. John of the Cross founded the first monastery of Discalced Carmelite Friars. That makes this year the 450th anniversary of the "official" founding of the friars. St. Teresa chose the friars to live the contemplative life of the Carmelite reform.
readers may already be acquainted with Manuel Farrugia. Farrugia, who hails from Malta, is just 29 years old but despite his young age he has already put together an impressive portfolio of sacred works. One of his major works was featured in The Catholic Herald this past summer to rave reviews, and now yet another impressive work has just been unveiled: his painting of St. Teresa in ecstasy. This...
(Manwel Schembri)
Membru tal-familja reliġjuża ta’ l-Aħwa Karmelitani Skalzi (it-Tereżjani) għal kważi 40 sena, 31 minnhom bħala saċerdot. Imwieled B’Kara, ta’ 5 snin kien emigra mal-familja l-Awstralja għal ftit snin. F’Malta ħass is-sejħa li jingħaqad mat-Tereżjani. Studja fl-INSERM u temm b’suċċess ukoll kors ta’ Teoloġija Spiritwali t-TERESIANUM – il-Kulleġġ...
Between August 20th and 25th, a meeting of all Carmelite students from Europe is being held at the Domus Carmeli in Fatima. This event, held every three years, brings together all the students and their formators of the Order of Discalced Carmelites (OCD) in order to get to know each other better and reflect together our charism in the world of today
The choice of Fatima is related to the desire...
Our Doctors of the Church speak volumes with few words, and noteworthy figures in Carmelite history amplify what they have written.
Beginning with St Teresa's relationship with the "fallen priest" of Becedas (The Life, Chap. 5), this blog post permits our Doctors to speak to our crisis today. At this link you'll find the post
A Carmelite response to the sexual abuse crisis: “Oh! how necessary...
Brother Elias of Jesus Crucified consecrated himself to God definitively last Friday, August 3 when he publically made his solemn profession at Saint Teresa’s Church in Cospicua.
The church was full with a large representation from Gozo, the birth island of Father Elias.
It was a joyous celebration with a magnificent choir. Most of our Fathers present for this beautiful occasion.
«Itlob għalina midimbin, issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna, Ammen». Din it-talba li P.
Alessandru kien illissen b’tant devozzjoni għal mijiet ta’ drabi ta’ kulljum matul dawn l-aħħar 85
sena hi l-frażi li tista’ tgħinna nifhmu l-persuna li llum qegħdin insellmu u li se nroddu l-ġisem
tiegħu lura lill-art.
Midinbin iva imma mimlijin tama f’Alla, fil-ħniena tiegħU u f’Marija,...