Keep me in the womb of your love
Lord, always keep me in your love like a child is kept safe in his Mother’s womb; there he has no need of anything, neither to eat nor drink; he cannot be harmed by drafts of cold air; he is safe from danger; with his Mother he has everything. And me, too, Lord, if you keep me in your love, I will lack nothing; I desire nothing more...
Rivista prezzjuża anke jekk mhiex magħrufa hija r-rivista li joħorġu l-Patrijiet Tereżjani hawn Malta. Jisimha’ TERESA. Hi rivista dedikata għall-ispiritwalita’.
Niftakar darba wieħed mill-Presidenti ta’ Malta, Dr. Ugo Mifsud Bonnici, jgħidilna lilna l-Patrijiet Tereżjani, li t-tweġiba vera għall-problemi li qed tiffacja s-socjeta’ illum hi l-ispiritwalita’. Kellu raġun....
Fjamma Tereżjana hija fuljett żgħir imma sabiħ li joħroġ Patri Karm darba fix-xahar għaż-żgħażagħ. Diġa qiegħed fil-ħamsa u għoxrin ħarġa u kull ma jmur il-quddiem dejjem jitjieb!
Ikun fih artikli qosra imma profondi. Miktubin fuq stil frisk, għandhom l-iskop li naprezzaw il-ħajja Tereżjana dejjem aktar.
Interessanti ħafna hi l-paġna fuq il-Qaddisin tax-xahar fejn tingħata...
Ras ir-Randan hi data importanti għan-nisrani. Tibda t-tħejjija għal-festa l-kbira tal-Qawmien mill-mewt tal-Mulej tagħna. Ir-rebħa tiegħu fuq il-mewt. Hi din il-ġrajja li tat sens lill-ħajjitna. Ma aħniex ikkundannati biex nitilfu dejjem. Aħna wkoll nistgħu nirbħu!
Għalina t-Tereżjani f’Malta din id-data din is-sena inżergħet ukoll t-tama. Għaliex zewġ żgħażagħ...
Just before the Extra-ordinary Definitory in Goa India, the Discalced Carmelites in Europe organized a meeting for formators at the University of the Mystic, CITES in Avila.
There were 14 provinces of Discalced Carmelites that participated in this annual formative meeting. These provinces are distributed in 9 countries: Belgium, Croatia, Spain, France, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal, and Lebanon...
Lúcia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos, OCD , (March 28, 1907 – February 13, 2005), also known as Lúcia of Fátima and by her religious name Sister Maria Lúcia of Jesus and of the Immaculate Heart, was a Portuguese Carmelite nun and one of the three children, including her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto who witnessed the Marian apparitions in Fatima in 1917.
Here is a prayer we have for her intercession.
All our superiors just met in Goa, India. The occasion was the Extra-Ordinary Definitory, a plenary Council of Superior General, Definitors, Provincials, Commisars, Vicars, General Delegates and Provincial Delegates.
This was celebrated as a preparation for the General
Chapter to be held in 2021.
There are two definitories held in a sexennium, but this being, an extra-ordinary General Definitory,...
During the Extraordinary Definitory, our superiors found the time to to celebrate the Eucharist in the place where our first monastery was established in India. This monastery was built in 1622 by Fr Leander of the Annunciation and his first companions who had just arrived in Goa.
The decision to establish a presence of Teresian Carmelites in this far-away land was not accidental. At that time,...
To those not familiar with Carmelite spirituality, the wisdom of these saints may seem dark and forbidding. But all saints learn that the one and only path to complete freedom and joy comes in a total surrender of self to the will of God, so that we might become all He created us to be.
"Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done unto me according to your word." Our Lady, Queen of Mount Carmel...