The social media speak very little about it but the situation of the Republic of Central Africa is tragic. Central Africa includes, among others, Angola, Cameroon, Chad, Congo and Equatorial Guinea. Eighty percent of the land is occupied by rebel groups and the State has not managed to curb them and has been unable to reestablish its authority in much of the country.
Furthermore, according to the statistics of the UN, the Republic of Central Africa occupies the 188th place out of 188 countries in the Human Development Index, therefore the poorest country in the world.
Notwithstanding this political chaos, Teresian Carmel continues to grow. Two brothers from the Republic of Central Africa and five Cameroonians began their novitiate in September in the monastery of St. Elijah of Bouar. Three other young men, two Cameroonians and one from Central Africa, made their simple vows after completing a year in the novitiate.
A solemn profession and priestly ordination were celebrated and as part of a program of collaboration with the mission in Cameroon, some young Central African students will continue their theological and pastoral studies in that country.
God is good.