The parish community at Ta’ Xbiex anticipated the liturgical feast of their patron Saint, Saint John of the Cross to Sunday November 15. The celebrations were restrained because of the restrictions imposed by the Covid. However the community came up with the idea to invite none other than the President of Malta, H. E. George Vella
This is the post on his Facebook page:
Ilbieraħ filgħaxija jien u marti Miriam attendejna għall-konċelebrazzjoni solenni f’Jum il-Festa ta’ San Ġwann tas-Salib f’Ta’ Xbiex. Minn qalbna nirringrazzjaw lill-Paroċċa St John of the Cross Parish Church Ta’ Xbiex li offrew il-ġabra waqt din il-quddiesa lil The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.
Yesterday evening my wife Miriam and I attended the solemn concelebration for the Feast of St John of the Cross in Ta’ Xbiex. We truly thank the St John of the Cross Parish Church Ta’ Xbiex for offering the collection during this mass to The Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.
A few days before the celebration in the Church, the small Carmelite community invited their brethren, the Discalced Carmelite Fathers, and the priests who regularly help out with the liturgies of the Church to a very elegant and lavish meal at the monastery, all prepared by the Fathers and cooks of the convent. Thank you so much!