Here are some online opportunities to go deeper
into our Carmelite spirituality!
*Number One*
Now our Garden is at this address:
*Number Two*
To see our favorite Carmelite:
What is St. John Paul II the Great’s affiliation with the Carmelites?
In a letter to Cardinal Ballestrero OCD dated 14 September 1981, the Holy Father had said:
“From Childhood we have been so closely linked with the sons of the admirable St. Teresa that we became a Carmelite tertiary.”
*Number Three*
A “Frequently Asked Questions” site was originally constructed by the generous members, Celeste Jones and John Richardson.
I would appreciate receiving updates to any incorrect information on site.
*Number Four*
Sister Judy Murray, OCD Baltimore Carmel
Go to their
site for many treasures. Home page is:
*Number Five*
Malkovsky has provided:
An edited version of Fr. Steven’s Ascent of Mt. Carmel teachings and it can be found here:
It is titled “an informal study guide”…
*Number Six*
Tina is hosting our daily prayer intention list. If you have any prayer requests, please send them to her at:
will be posted for one week.
*Number Seven*
PJ Buis had created a search engine for CINCarm, but the original Cincarm emails have been removed from the web. This search engine covers Dec. 5, 2004 to the present. Paul Buis is a tertiary in our London Canada Church.
Please visit Paul’s website for his treasures of poetry and Carmelite spirituality
*Number Eight*
Discalced Carmelite Sisters of Eldridge, Iowa have kindly asked us to include their site in our list. They have a word section that is renewed daily and material on Carmelite Spirituality, music and St. John of the Cross and writings by their nuns.
*Number Nine*
Sandra Malkovsky has also created a site for us about St. Teresa Margaret, OCD at:
*Number Ten*
Maureen O’Riordan has created a website. She has asked us to visit.
*Number Eleven*
Malaysia’s Carmelite Sisters now have a website:
*Number Twelve*
San Diego OCDS Community’s website
*Number Thirteen*
Sugarloaf, PA OCDS community’s website
*Number Fourteen*
Saint Teresa ~ 5th Centenary
A collaboration of the Discalced Carmelites in the U.S.
The home
page for the Order of Discalced Carmelites is:
There is a
link to our OCDS Legislation at:
The home page for the Ancient Observance is:
Fr. Deeney set this up for us. He also provided several transcripts of his talks on it:
Cincarm on yahoo has public archives available on the link at our home page called “Conversations”: